Monday, October 4, 2010

first blog-160-going to start journey to pre baby weight.

ok, so as silly as this feels, typing to strangers that may never even read this, I am going to give it a try. I heard that typing your feelings while trying to lose weight helps, so i am going to do it here.

I am currently 160, mother of two (3 and 9 months), married and 20 years of age. I became pregnant when I was 16, attending a chirstain boarding school my parents resorted to after my k-12 school that i had attended for 11 years was just no longer working. I dropped out and became a full time mother, which had always been my goal. at the start my weight was all over the place, but i managed to get to and maintain 125-130. at the very end of my pregnancy with my son I was only 165 pounds, not bad at all.
After my first I managed to get down to 140 but with my second i skyrocketed to 200 pounds by the end, so getting back down was not easy at all. 2 weeks after my daughter's birth i was 160. Since then I haven't lost a single pound.

Yesterday i attended the wedding of my best friend of 6 years. Today our mutal friend posted the pictures and i was horrified. I looked disgusting!!! I was so heavy, I looked the same as I did before I had lost the weight I had in middle school. even my hair which i thought was long and sexy(and that I have been working on growing for two years) made me look just like i had in 3rd grade. this made me realize the girl I see in the mirror is not the same girl everyone else sees, I see my face as skinny, not taking into consideration when I look at myself, I only look at flattering angles. Everyone, including my husbad, said that yesterday i looked great and the pictures look fantastic. This makes me think, if thats what i look like when i look good, how do i look when i look like crap??? So, it is time to make a change.

I will post along my journey to skinny-ish-dome letting everyone (or no one depends on who reads this thing) how I feel and how it is going. I will need to get batteries for my wii fit, or just get a scale, so I cant post everytime I lose a few pounds.

my regime will be as follows-

-10 minutes of yoga
-25 leg lift thingys each leg (not sure what it is called, but you lay on your side on the ground and lift your leg up and down)
-50 stomach crunches
-50 jumping jacks
-25 burpees

I will start by cleaning to get my body going on the calorie burning (apperently your body dosent start burning fat till 20 minutes into physical activity). I will also be drinking around 2 litres of water a day (already started that one a few days ago), eating every 2 hours (very small snacks), using chop sticks (which apperently makes you intake less at meal time) and  making Friday "snack day".  A day dedicated to having a snack food of my choice, giving me something to look forward to and limiting my junk intake.

but there is something else that makes this a big day, I will be weaning my little girl off breast milk. she has started to bite (ouuuuch!) and is starting to lose interest in breast feeding. she is such a wonderful eater i have no quams about doing so. this is about half the time i spent feeding my son, but he would never eat anything, very picky, as opposed to my daughter, who will eat ANYTHING infront of her.

thank you for reading and wish me luck!!!!

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